Liz Taylor CISR Elite, AFIS, CPIW
Vice President
Commercial Risk Consultant
Cell: 828-768-6197
Direct Line: 828-694-5146
Liz works with our farm community and is very happy to have good relationships with our farmers and their families. She is continually amazed by how hard our farmers work to provide food for our country. Farming is a risky business and is very dependent upon the weather. As a Crop Insurance Agent, Liz is dedicated to offering the products to protect the farmer’s livelihood and giving them the best service possible. Liz is the proud mother of three wonderful children and grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren. She has worked hard in the insurance industry and has continued her education by obtaining the AFIS, CISR Elite and CPIW designations. Liz attends and Morrow Insurance sponsors Apple Grower Meetings, Peach Grower Meetings and the NC Apple Festival. She is a member of Agribusiness Henderson County and The National Peach Council.

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