On July 17, 2012, Morrow Insurance hosted a seminar to help educate human resource managers, business owners and benefits administrators on the current status of the healthcare reform legislation and what they need to know to prepare for implementation in 2014.  Legal consultant David C. Smith presented this vital information to 62 attendees representing 48 companies.

For a summary, watch this feature from WLOS.

Morrow continues to receive rave reviews and thanks for holding the seminar.   Some of the comments received include:

Thanks so much to both of you for everything you do for (our organization), this is great news and greatly appreciated. ____ and I were discussing insurance and the meeting yesterday concerning changes with the health care reform, his comments were, “ that’s why we have responsible people working for us that know what they are doing.” Again, thank you!


I also want to convey to you and all the staff at Morrow Insurance, how much I appreciate your interest in our renewals and keeping me up to date on notices to be distributed etc. We also appreciate the quick response with any questions that come up from time to time.


I barely saw you (CSR) yesterday….you were so busy. It was a very informative talk! I came back from the seminar and told (our CFO) that we were doing everything right since we had Morrow Insurance Company to watch our backs!


The Seminar was indeed educational and helpful. We appreciate the ongoing education and communication efforts that you and Morrow Insurance provide your customers. Knowledge in this case is not power, as we have lost that option, but knowledge as to what is on the horizon regarding health care provides an awareness of upcoming “CHANGE”. Many thanks, once again, on behalf of (employer), (President)/COO) and me for that opportunity! The event was very well attended and appreciated by all, I’m certain.

We anticipate sponsoring a free webinar soon for those who were unable to attend and wish to learn more about how this piece of legislation will affect their business.  To be notified when the webinar is scheduled, please contact cemory@morrowinsurance.com.

Morrow Insurance continues to work with businesses to provide services beyond policies and claims.  Ask your Morrow Agent about the services we provide through our internal resources and our business partner network.

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